Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Long Time shey!

Hello Friend,

Yeah I know. So many things. Exciting things have been happening especially in church. That's where the exciting part comes from. I love dancing and when i can teach dance to youths it is really an honor I tell you. I'm just so excited bout it all. Do you know what i think it is? When you surround yourself with zealous people it gets really contagious. That why the bible say "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" Proverbs 27:17 . When one is down, the energy of the other rubs off to lift one up and then the one does it to for the other at another time etc. Using one's time and energy for God is the ultimate fulfilment I tell you.

You know I told you i was going to start school again. Yeah I did and needless to say, a PhD is not yam at all. Wow! That is all I can say to describe it. I am actually doing it part time and right now i do not even want to know how it'll be full time. No wonder profs have like full hair and unkempt looking beards etc.

I hope you took a look at the skit I posted below. wow. One of our drama peeps shared it with us and i was really moved. Thank you Jesus for being everything to me.

Have a blessed week ahead.

Dancing With Jesus skit

Tears welled up in my eyes honestly. Please watch and be ministered to.

Thank You Jesus for all You have been, all You are and all You will forever be to me.