Monday, January 14, 2008


Hello Friend,

How are you doing today? Great I'm sure. I just thank God for the beginning of yet another week. Have so much going on like you I'm sure. Don't we all. Friend of mine had a baby yday. Really kool. So happy and giggly and all.

Both my kids are going to be going to day care today. One is joining the other one, and I'm so anxious. It's the first time in 3 years that I'll be by myself during the day without being pregnant or taking care of a baby. The only times that I've been away from them both is in school and usually in school I'm just being bombarded with so much work my brain is overloaded (thank God school is done with). It's almost like I need therapy for that. When you get so used to something for so long, it's unbelievable how difficult it is detaching from it and to top it all up I have to face the anxiety of my little cutie munchin being away from me for school hours. Funny what we mothers think of. When u're at home, it's crazy. When you get a career going the daycare/school thing is also crazy. What do we do.

I'll get over it. Didn't think I'll make it through my first child being in daycare for a week. Thought I'd go bunkers but it turned out alright. I have spent the last month and a half tending to the flu from one person to the other. Honestly, this needs to stop. The weather is just so awful. It's either freezing or freezing. The little breaks from it just don't count. I really wonder how little kids go through this weather. We haven't had it this cold in a while. I guess we were getting used to the normal cold. Well...

Needless to say such flu brings about additional crankiness, noise making and extra attention. This past week I've also had to deal with a hair situation with my daughter. Washed her hair and it just kept coming off. Talk about a scare. Don't know whussup. She got her hair done like 2 wks ago and I don't know if its an infection, or they braided the hair too tight. My mum says don't worry she'll be fine. The doctor's office sounded like, it's nothing and i don't need to be calling for such issues. Aargh!!!! Sounds like nothing but you should see it. Marching to her daycare tomorrow to investigate lol. I'm just like can i get a break from all this. So guess what? To calm my nerves I watched 'Jon and Kate plus 8'. It's TV show of a couple that has two sets of multiples. 2 girls 'twins' and then 3 boys and 3 girls 'sextuplets'. It's a great nerve calmer cos when you see 8 kids running up and down the whole place and the parents trying to manage the kids. It calms you right away, knowing you i.e I have just 2 kids.

I know they're situation may be a bit different cos she doesn't work or school etc but I tell you taking care of those 8 kids is equivalent to a PhD. lol. Hilarious. If you haven't been watching it. You should check it out. Click here.

Word of encouragement this week. Sometimes when it gets hectic we allow the kids to just run wild all the time but parents are there for structure. Kids needs to learn that there is structure and no other person will teach them that. It's our responsibility. Keep keeping on.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6


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